Monday, June 1, 2009

What is Solar Attic Fan? (Solar Attic Fan)

Solar Attic Fan

Traditionally, passive ventilation and electrical attic vent fans have been used to address this issue and keep a flow of fresh air circulating through the attic space. Recently, however, the solar attic fan has started to catch on as a near perfect solution for this task.

A solar attic fan works pretty much like you'd expect it to. The fan itself is installed near the ridge of your home's roof, and is then connected to a set of low powered photovoltaic solar cells that provide the fan with enough electricity to get the fan spinning when the sun is shining. More often than not, these cells are installed directly onto the outside of the fan housing, though if your fan is being installed in a shady area you can opt to place the solar cells in a different area that gets more regular, and direct, sunlight. Once installed, your solar attic fan will kick on whenever the sun is out, drawing fresh air up through your soffit vents and blowing hot, stale and humid air up and out of your attic at the same time.

Solar Attic Fan


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